Category: Skin

  • Acne Scar Treatment in Pakistan

    Acne Scar Treatment in Pakistan

    Acne scars can be a persistent source of self-consciousness and frustration. In Pakistan, advancements in dermatological science have led to an array of effective acne scar treatments. In this article, we explore the world of acne scar treatment in Pakistan, examining its effectiveness, the available treatments, and associated costs. Acne Scar Treatment in Pakistan: A…

  • Skin Whitening Treatment in Pakistan

    Skin Whitening Treatment in Pakistan

    In Pakistan, as in many parts of the world, achieving lighter and more even-toned skin is a common beauty aspiration. Skin whitening treatments have gained popularity as effective solutions to address concerns related to skin pigmentation and discoloration. In this article, we delve into the world of skin whitening treatment in Pakistan, exploring its effectiveness,…

  • Cosmetic Care and Procedures: It’s not all about “Looks”

    Cosmetic Care and Procedures: It’s not all about “Looks”

    Often times when people talk about cosmetic treatments, the thought of radical changes and looking too “unnatural” castes a dark veil over the importance and positive implications it has over the lives of individuals that choose to care for themselves rather than care about opinions. Chiefly, we have to know the types of cosmetic medications.…

  • Natural Antidotes for a Healthier Skin in Summer

    Natural Antidotes for a Healthier Skin in Summer

    Five tips for Skin Care in the summer. There are some basic Skin care tips applied through summer and winter. Our International Medical Director Dr. Badie Idris some recommendations for summer are: Cleanse your Skin morning and night with the best whitening face wash. Use a good toner morning and night after cleanser. Use a good…

  • London Aesthetics: Cutting Edge Stretch Marks Treatment

    London Aesthetics: Cutting Edge Stretch Marks Treatment

    Stretch marks are basically a form of scarring on the skin with an off-color hue. They are often the result of the rapid stretching of the skin associated with the loss/gain of weight or growth (these are just the basic causes.) For me, to have stretch marks on the skin is like having a Zebra…

  • Eczema: Causes, Types, Treatment

    Eczema: Causes, Types, Treatment

    Eczema can affect your personal life and your mental health Eczema, also known as Atopic Dermatitis, refers to a condition where the patient’s skin develops red areas which can be irritated, scratchy, cracked and coarse, sometimes accompanied by blisters. These patches of irritation can appear on the hands, feet, ankles, neck, face, bend of knees…

  • Glutathione Benefits for Health and Body

    Glutathione Benefits for Health and Body

    Glutathione is produced in cells. Glutathione acts as an important antioxidant in your body. It helps combat free radicals. These free radicals are molecules that can damage your body’s cells. It’s comprised largely of three amino acids: glutamine, glycine, and cysteine. Glutathione levels in the body may be reduced by a number of factors, including poor nutrition, environmental toxins,…

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