Erectile Dysfunction -

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. It’s also sometimes referred to as impotence. It includes premature ejaculation, delayed or absent ejaculation, Lack of interest in sex.

  1. Stronger, firmer erections

  2. Easier to achieve and maintain erections (i.e., improved sexual stamina)

  3. Improvement in or resolution of penile curvature from Peronei’s Disease

  4. Increased penile length and girth

  5. Resolution of penile pain with erection


Stem Cell Therapy

The new frontier in regenerative medicine and skin ageing treatments is stem cell therapy. Stem cells are currently being used to treat several medical conditions, diseases and severe health disorders. Regenerative medicine is used to reverse ageing; several studies over the years report that anti-ageing stem cell therapy help in slowing and reversing the body ageing process.

How Stem Cell Therapy Works?

The regenerative medical team starts by carrying out an initial assessment that examines the primary site you want repaired and then determines what stem cell therapy is the most appropriate to treat your condition. The entire therapy can be completed in a few hours; this includes harvesting the stem cells from the donor sites. Typically, using local anesthetic a small sample is collected from the patient´s fat store found either in hips/buttocks, abdomen or the thighs. The procedure is done in a completely sterile environment, making sure there is no air particles and contaminants. The sample undergoes centrifugation which separates the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from the fat, it purifies and concentrates the cells. Then the cells are administered back into the desired area. This high concentration of stem cells can Resolve the penile pain with erection, increase girth and length, provide stronger and firmer erection and increase sensitivity. it is more natural, and it has a shorter recovery time. It is suitable for all age Groups.

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