Hair Transplant: Types, Treatment, Procedure, -

Hair Transplant: Types, Treatment, Procedure,

No one likes to be seen bald. The worst thing baldness causes is loneliness, but don’t worry London Aesthetics and Rejuvenation Center have you all covered with hair transplant treatment in Lahore and Faisalabad.

Through the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, the hair follicles are extracted from different skin sites to be moved to the part where hair growth is absent or weak to enhance hair growth in the region. The extraction signs are left invisible leaving you with your ideal look incomparable to before.


Beard Transplant

As simple as it sounds, this transplant is carried through the process of harvesting hair from other body parts and implanting them on to the jawline. After recovery you can see clear results of hair growth giving you the perfect beard.

Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow Transplant is an aesthetic procedure that brings grafts from other body parts to the brow region which will give your brows a fuller look. It’s apermanent solution to an otherwise temporary problem. The procedure is quite similar to other hair transplant methodologies.


In simple terms, this process involves the diagnosis and treatment of different hair and scalp diseases, defects and disorders that might result into your hair loss and hair damage. It searches for causes of hair loss in different regions by a thorough check up of the patient’s scalp.

FUT Hair Transplant

A slightly invasive strategy that helps cover up bald spots caused by hair loss. In this method a strip of skin is taken from the back or side of your head and individual follicles are extracted for transplant to the balding regions.

Alternative Hair Loss

FUE Hair Transplant is an innovative treatment procedure that involves the injection of scalp with a suspension of stem cells, growth factors and progenitor cells that have extremely powerful regenerative properties. This results in regrowth, repair and suppression of hair loss in the patient.

  1. Check out what our customers have to say about their treatments and their satisfaction with the process.
  2. Check out the happy reviews of our clients who’ve had their lives changed.
  3. Here’s what our clients have to say about their treatments.

Our experts offer a variety of hair treatment and solutions from high tech stem cell therapy to FUE and FUT. To find out more book an appointment today and visit London Aesthetics and Rejuvenation Center in Lahore, Faisalabad.


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