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  • info@larc.pk
  • 0303 444 52 72 | 042 37 19 2206
  • Clinic Address
  • Lahore
    59-Z , Commercial, Phase 3, D.H.A Lahore, Pakistan.
    The Orion, 8-G Koh i Noor City, Jaranwala Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Treatment for Acne Scar

Understanding the type of acne scar can help in determining the most appropriate treatment based on the specific type and severity of acne scars. Types of acne scars Atrophic Scars: further subdivided into: Ice Pick Scars: Deep, narrow, and pitted scars that extend into dermis. Treatment: Punch excision, TCA CROSS [...]

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Hijama Therapy

“If there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is cupping (hijama).” Saheeh Sunan abi Dawud (3857), Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah (3476) In the realm of alternative medicine, Hijama therapy emerges as a time-honored practice with profound implications for pain management. Originating from traditional Islamic medicine, [...]

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